Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Issues and Third Party Transfer Entry In NAV

                 Issues and Third Party Transfer Entry In NAV as mention below :--

                                 Issues Slip is departmental consumption--

        Issues slip create and verified by user and HOD.Post by Store department.

        Inventory Account (Store and Spare)  ----  Credit

       Consumption account (Inventory Adjustment Account)  ---- Debit

                       Transfer Order for Third Party Contractor ----

              Transfer Order Created and verified by  User and HOD.Post By Store Department.

                      Inventory Account (Store and Spare)  ----  Credit
                 In transit   -         Debit
Consumption account (Inventory Adjustment Account)  ---- Debit
                  Consumption account (Inventory Adjustment Account)  ---- Credit
                  In transit   --         Credit
                Inventory Account (Store and Spare)  ----  Debit
After this entry item laying on third party location.
Actual consumption booked through project material consumption journal.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Purchase Entry in NAV


                            Purchase Entry route in Nav as mention below----

                      Purchase Account -----Debit  -------This is P/L account

                      Inventory Account (Store and Spare )---Debit-----This is Balance Sheet Account
                     Vendor Account-----Credit ---- This is Balance Sheet Account

                       Direct Cost Account Applied ------Credit-----This is P/L account

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Forward and Reverse Look up IP to host name resolve

                                          Forward and Reverse Look up IP to host name resolve


server name : TEST

First create a  for forward lookup ZONE for test.

Example :--  Create a zone in the name of new

After that create a Create a reverse lookup zone for IP range for example will be 10.3.10.

Create Host Name test in forward lookup zone with IP.

After that go to explorer and access

internal this is accessible from all computer.those are in domain .

for work group computers enter the entry in  host file.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Command for lotus Notes


                 When lotus server restart abnormally and Server run the contingency check.

                For run the contingency check manually.

                Load compact mail\sales.nsf(mail file name)