Monday, December 26, 2016

Remove the Payment terms from Milestone

Comment and Remove the Payment terms from Milestone

Payment Made field should be false before deleting the Lines.

For this required to comment code on Table 50005 On Insert:

//IF ("Payment Type" = "Payment Type"::Advance)  THEN
//  "Payment Made":=TRUE;

Monday, December 19, 2016

Reclassification of Fixed Asset in Microsoft Navision

                                                 Reclassification of Fixed Asset 

Open a New FA(fixed Asset ) Card.

Go to FA re-class. Journal.Select FA posting date,Document no.,old FA no.,

New FA posting no.,Reclassify Acquisition Cost or Percentage,

select tick on Reclassify Acquisition Cost and Depreciation and 

click the reclassify tab in bottom.

System will transfer the entries in FA Journal lines.

Now post the same.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

How to reverse and cancel Disposal Entry in NAV 2009

 Reverse and cancel Disposal Entry in NAV 2009 

Open FA and go to Depreciation book tab at bottom and select ledger entries:

Now select line having FA Posting Type as “Proceeds for disposal.”

And Go to function and cancel entries.

System will transfer the entries in FA G/L Journal lines.

Now post the same.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Citrix web inter face and Create site

For internet login

Go to citrix web inter face and create site

After creating site .Go to site Secure Access

And Finish

Installation of Citrix Server with Screen shots

Xen App Server Installation

Step by step installation of XenApp Server With Screen Shot